Client Video Series
Bought to you by Prolens Productions
It was an honour to be asked to capture and produce a recap of Derwent Executives - Pathway to the Boardroom Event, held on International Womens Day 2018.
In this content creation, you will see how I captured the essence of my clients EOFY celebrations and summarised their key points with this event highlights video, including some Voxpops at the beginning and end, for an added bit of fun.
Event Vox Pops
Executive Interview Series
In this 5 part video series, Cameron Wall the CEO of RainCheck talks about the bitcoin phenomenon and explains how it works and which platform they will use to manage their upcoming token.
If you want to learn more about our corporate video services, then contact me here.
Promotional Grabs
In 2018, I ventured around New York, Canada, Hawaii and Sydney to capture some of the more instagrammable places.
So here I share my short video edit of just some of my most popular instagram photographs in 2018.
(C) Prolens Productions
As part of my journey as a photographer, I often find myself meeting interesting people doing interesting things. This time it was whilst on a landscape shoot. I ran into a singer / rapper and his crew filming his new song and I couldn't help but want to shoot them during filming.
This video footage was taken impromptu and shot entirely on an iPhoneX